Italian holiday phrases

23rd July 2018

Emily Robertshaw



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Greetings and basic expressions

Good morningBuongiorno(Bwon-gee-orno)
 Good afternoonBuon pomeriggio(Bwon pom-er-ee-gee-oh)
 Good eveningBuona sera(Bwon-a sarah)
 How are you? Come sta?(Kom-eh sta?)
 I’m very wellSto bene(Sto ben-eh)
Yes  Sì(See)
No  No(N-oh)
 Please Per favore(Pear fa-vor-ay)
Thank you Grazie(Grat-zieh)
 You’re welcomePrego(Pray-go))
 Excuse me Mi scusi(Me skoo-see)
 Goodbye Ciao(Chow)

At the beach

The beach La spiaggia(La spee-aj-ya)
Where is the beach? Dov’è la spiaggia?(Dov-eh la spee-aj-ya?)
A sunbedIl lettino(Eel let-tin-oh) 
The swimming pool La piscina(La pis-hee-na
A bottle of suncreamUna bottiglia di crema solare(Oo-na bott-eel-lee-a dee krema sol-arey)  
A beach towelUn asciugamano da spiaggia(Oon ash-syoo-ga-mano da spee-aj-ya
Please can I buy…?Posso comprare…?(Pohs-so komp-raar-ray…?

At a restaurant

Can I have a menu please?Mi può dare il menu per favore?(Me pwoh dar-ey ell men-oo per fav-or-ay?)
Where are the toilets?Dov’è il bagno?
(Dove-eh ell ban-yo?)
A table for 2/3/4/5/6Un tavolo per due/tre/quattro/cinque/sei persone(Oon tav-oh-loh pear doo-ay/tray/kwat-troh/chin-kway per-so-ney)
I would like…Vorrei…(Vor-ray…)
A beerUna birra(Oo-na beer-a)
A glass of red wineUn bicchiere di vino rosso(Oon bick-ee-air-reh dee vee-no roh-sso)
A glass of white wineUn bicchiere di vino bianco(Oon bick-ee-air-reh dee vee-no bee-an-ko)
A glass of waterUn bicchiere d’acqua(Oon bick-ee-air-reh dak-wah)
 A napkinUn tovagliolo(Oon to-va-lee-oh-lo)
Some breadUn cestino del pane(Oon chest-ee-no del pan-ey)
A dessertIl dolce(Eel dol-chay)
The billIl conto(Eel kon-toe) 


How much is it?Quanto costa?(Kwan-toe kos-ta?)
I’m just lookingSto esplorando(Stoe ess-plor-an-do)
A t-shirtUna maglietta(Oo-na mal-liye-ta)
A skirtUna gonna(Oo-na gone-ah)
A dressUn vestito(Oon vest-eeto)
A pair of trousersUn paio di pantaloni(Oon pa-ee-oh dee pant-a-lo-knee)
A pair of shoesUn paio di scarpe(Oon pa-ee-oh dee scar-pay)
A jacketUna giacca(Oo-na jee-ack-ka)
A postcardUna cartolina(Oo-na carto-lee-na)


To campAccamparsi(Ah kamp-ar-see)
A backpackUno zaino(Oo-no zay-ee-no)
A picnic benchUn tavolo da picnic
(Oon tav-oh-lo de pic-nic)
A sleeping bagUn sacco a pelo
(Oon sack-o ah pel-oh)
To light a fireAccendere il fuoco(Ah-chend-air-reh ell fwo-ko)
A tentUna tenda(Oo-na ten-da)
Can I set my tent up here?Posso montare la mia tenda qui?(Pohs-o mon-tar-eh lah mee-a tend-ah kwui?)
Go hikingFare una camminata(Far-ey oo-na cam-min-ah-tah)
A waterproof coatUn giubbotto impermeabile(Oo-n jee-ub-boh-toh eem-perm-ee-ah-beel-eh) 

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